Professor Shaul Hanany graduated from Tel Aviv University in Israel. He has worked on computer simulations of alignment of dust grains for his MS, which is from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and on measuring the polarization of x-rays for his Ph.D., which is from Columbia University. He transitioned to working on properties of the cosmic microwave background radiation when he became a research fellow at the Center for Particle Astrophysics at Berkeley. Hanany continued with this work after moving to the University of Minnesota.
Hanany received a Land McKnight professorship, has twice been named by students as 'Best Professor of Physics', is a recipient of the George W. Taylor Award for Distinguished Teaching, and is a Morse-Alumni Distinguished University Teacher. Results from measurements of the CMB that Hanany and his colleagues published several years ago have been named by Science magazine 'one of the ten most important breakthroughs in science' for that year.